Thursday, 15 July 2010

A very interesting analysis on the way the assassination of John F. Kennedy is treated at Wikipedia can be found here:

It includes the following passage:

From here on out to the end of the Wikipedia LHO entry, just about all of its information is in support of the Warren Commission Report's 1964 conclusions. With the exception of a very brief and dismissive mention of the House Select Committee on Assassination's (HSCA) 1979 assertion that there was a " 'high probability that two gunman fired' at Kennedy and that Kennedy 'was probably assassinated as the result of a conspiracy.' " As well as the use of a few very selectively drawn conclusions from the HSCA that duly support the 1964 Commission's conclusions, Gamaliel/Fernandez and those at Wikipedia who are supporting his policy of blanket censorship would have us believe that there have been absolutely no new developments in the ensuing 46+ years that would merit any direct mention in the LHO entry. This is strongly proven by an analysis of the footnotes. In an essay of over 150 references, 11 are from the HSCA – which was the most recent federal inquiry into the case. Two are from Tony Summers' book Not in Your Lifetime, and two references are to the work of Don Thomas on the acoustics evidence that indicates two gunmen. In other words, of the library of several hundred books criticizing the Commission, Gamaliel/Fernandez used exactly one. The crucial work of Sylvia Meagher, Howard Roffman, Philip Melanson, Bill Davy and John Newman do not exist for him or the readers of this essay. Which is bizarre, since it is largely that work that has placed the Warren Commission in disrepute to the point that Gamaliel/Fernnadez is one of the few who still believes it. But further, the work of Davy, Melanson, and Newman revolutionized the way we percieve Oswald. Which is not important to Gamaliel/Fernandez. The rest of the footnotes, about 90%, are to the Commission, and the likes of Gerald Posner, The Dallas Morning News, and Vincent Bugliosi. There is not one footnote to the files of Jim Garrison or the depositions of the Assassination Records and Review Board. In fact, the ARRB does not exist for Gamaliel/Fernandez. Which is stunning, since they enlarged the document base on Oswald and the Kennedy case by 100%. But since much of their work discredited the Commission, it gets the back of Gamaliel's/Fernandez's hand. If that Is not Orwellian, then what is?

Just how bad is Gamaliel's/Fernandez's work here? This is the third paragraph, which appears at the end of the introduction: "In 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone in assassinating Kennedy, a conclusion also reached by prior investigations carried out by the FBI and Dallas Police." He leaves out the following: 1) Oswald never had a trial; 2) the Commission never furnished him with a lawyer posthumously; 3) the FBI report was so bad it was not included in the Commission volumes; and 4) even Burt Griffin of the Commission suspected the Dallas Police helped Jack Ruby enter the jail to kill Oswald. So much for the "investigations" of the FBI and the Dallas Police. This gives us a good idea of what the rest of the essay will be like.

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